This creature is Tyrannosaurus Rex(also known as T-Rex). It means "Tyrant Lizard' or "King of Dinosaurs'. It runs up to 32 miles an hour. It focuses on movement and bright light. That's the description of Tyrannosaurus Rex.
I wish animals could survive and not be endangered or poached by humans. In China, Pandas are endangered by suffocating. In India, Tigers are being poached by hunters for money. In Africa, animals are captured and being auctioned off for cold hard cash (elephants are being auctioned off for their tusks). That's why I think animals could survive and not be endangered or poached by humans.
What I'm very excited about is my Birthday party coming up. It's going to be a lot of awesome cool fun. We'll be playing capture the hat, risk, limbo, and a paddle boat race. The guests won't have to worry about lunch, because we'll be cooking burgers and hot dogs. The party is on May 15th ( my real birthday is on the 10th) at my house.
The one place for a field trip that my class should go to is the ZOO. We would get to see all the animals, the mammals, fish, birds, and reptiles. We would get to go on the Zoo train or the carousel. We'd even get to get some stuff from the gift shops. That's were we would go for a fun field trip.
Would I rather have Money, Fame, or Power. I would have Money and Fame instead of power. Power is less important to me, because I don't even bother being the boss of some big company. Money and fame are better, because with cash I can get whatever I want and I'd be famous. Thats why I'd rather have Money and Fame instead of Power.
Here are my top three choices for some careers. The first one is a zooowner in Las Vegas. I would take care of all the mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and fish because I am good with animals. The second career is a Artist around the world. BecauseI am really good at Art. The third one is an inventor/ scientist. Because I am good on predicting theories and at inventing. Those are my top 3 options for some careers.